The Governing Body

Supporting the continuing growth and strength of Gad’s Hill School, making key decisions that are for the good of the pupils, staff, parents and wider Gad’s Hill community and increasing Governor engagement, are three key issues for Chair of Governors Kirsty Hillocks.

Kirsty has a long standing association with Gad’s Hill; beginning as a parent to former pupils and the Chair of the Friends from 2001-2004.

Both her children attended Gad’s Hill from the age of three, leaving in 2011 and 2014 with successful GCSE results and as well balanced, confident and happy individuals.

Kirsty has a background in business, childcare, education, safeguarding children, strategy and planning.

A qualified horse riding instructor who opened a riding stables, she then began a career in early years education.

Kirsty graduated from Canterbury Christchurch University with BA(Hons) in Early Years Leadership, was awarded Early Years Teacher Status and also holds a Diploma in Teaching in Lifelong Learning.

Her experiences includes being graded twice as an outstanding childminder by Ofsted, teaching Level 3 in Childcare, developing support groups and conferences for early years practitioners in Medway and sitting on the Local Authority Safeguarding Board. Kirsty has also worked as a Senior Examination Invigilator for The Open University.

Now an Early Years Quality Adviser in Kent, Kirsty inspects nurseries, pre-schools and childminders for Ofsted.

She is passionate about her work, keeps children and young people at the heart of everything she does and believes it is vital that all children must receive the support and education that will enable them to achieve their goals.

Kirsty values her role as Chair of Governors and works closely with governors and staff at Gad’s Hill to consistently ensure the school provides a safe and stimulating environment for all pupils. She also firmly believes that a strength of the school is the strong community feel and strives to maintain this.

Commenting on her role, Kirsty said: “The Governing Body is all about governance and setting the strategic direction of the school, not getting involved in the operational activities, which are the responsibility of the Senior Leadership Team. So as far as pupils and parents are concerned it will be business as usual during this transitional period.

“I make sure that Senior Leadership Team and Board of Governors work together effectively, so they are mutually both challenging and supportive. The Chair’s role is to provide the link between Mr Savage and the Governing Body so we are focused on the right things for the school’s array of stakeholders, including parents, guardians and students and we maintain the record of excellence for which Gad’s Hill is rightly proud.

“All members of staff at Gad’s Hill work extremely hard to provide pupils with the best environment to allow children to enjoy their education and to achieve their full potential. While teachers and other staff make themselves available for a chat, you might not get a chance to meet the school governors, so we would like to tell you a bit about ourselves.

“We are formed from the local community and have a wide range of skills; on the governing body there are parents, staff, members of the local community and the Headmaster. All of us want to make a positive contribution to your child’s education here at Gad’s Hill.”

Whole School Open Day

Saturday 8th March 2025

10am – 1pm