
The school is required to publish a variety of information for parents and prospective parents to comply with either legislation or the standards of the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).

The documents below contain that statutory information.

When you first register an interest in a place at Gad’s Hill School you are given a prospectus detailing admission procedures and the school ethos. Included in this is our most recent ISI inspection report. Existing parents were sent a copy of this report in 2017.

Further information, departmental handbooks, curriculum and welfare policies and documentation are not routinely published to parents but are available for inspection in the School Office.

Gad’s Hill School is a provider of Early Years Education, full details of which can be requested from the Bursary. However, we must point out that we are unable to meet the full 38 weeks free entitlement and cannot guarantee that the extra provision will be supplied by another provider. The school operated the Early Years Nursery funding under the guidance of Kent County Council.

A full list of where all policies, procedures and documentation can be found is available in the Gadshillian, which is issued to existing parents each year.

Whole School Open Day

Saturday 8th March 2025

10am – 1pm