GCSE Preparation

Gad’s Hill School offers a broad range of GCSE choices and activities for U4th (Year 9) pupils making the transition from L4th (Key Stage 3). Along with sciences, humanities and languages, we encourage sporting and musical excellence in our learners and support them to achieve their full potential.

The GCSE years are a challenge for all pupils and our ethos at the school is to support them in their learning, but also to challenge and push them to achieve their best.

We support this through regular teaching and learning and a constant dialogue with parents about how their child is progressing. Because Gad’s Hill School is a close and supportive community, we work very closely with parents to fully address all learning and pastoral needs.

All Upper School pupils have a dedicated form tutor who will work closely with the Head of the Upper School, the Director of Studies and our Key Stage 4 Lead for Standards and Aspirations to monitor and review the progress of each pupil under their care.

Parental reports are made available throughout the year together with a parental consultation evening for each year group where parents can speak with each subject teacher.

Every pupil in U4th, L5th and U5th (Years 9-11) will also be offered a choice of clubs within the extended working day and will study the core subjects along with their option choices made at the end of Key Stage 3. We pride ourselves as an all-through school and work hard to make the transition between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 as smooth as possible for all students. Small classes allow staff to engage all pupils in various ways.

At Key Stage 4 the school continues to offer SMSC and Critical Thinking lessons, with themes supported by the work of the Form Tutor during daily tutor time. Each child is encouraged and empowered to participate in the life of the school and to reach their full potential whether on the sporting field, playing an instrument, raising money for charity or enhancing the school assemblies with topical presentations and dramatizations.

U5th (Year 11)

We understand at Gad’s Hill that U5th is a very demanding time for our pupils, big choices need to be made and exams must be thoroughly revised for. We promote the idea of preparing learners for all aspects of life too, and encourage a mature and responsible attitude amongst pupils by assigning prefect duties and choosing deputies and a head of school.

Pupils sit two series of Pre-Public Entry Examinations in the Autumn and Spring term in preparation for the summer public examinations. During the Easter Holidays the school often provides a series of revision sessions.

At the end of U5th (Year 11), pupils leaving us for sixth form colleges or other kinds of further education have our guidance, advice and help in crafting personal statements and choosing subjects that are right for them.

At Gad’s Hill we offer first class academic learning for pupils but we also seek to offer throughout the GCSEs a ‘whole’ education, preparing our pupils for an ever changing world.

GCSE Options

From Upper Shell (Year 7) to U5th (Year 11), Gad’s Hill pupils follow a diverse curriculum leading ultimately to GCSE success.

During Key Stage 3 (Years 7 to 8) our students follow a broad programme of English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, Art, History, Geography, Spanish, Music, Drama, CCF and SMSC.   All students also enjoy up to five sports lessons per week.

During those important Key Stage 4 years Gad’s Hill provides a splendid GCSE programme, with breadth of choice, catering for pupils with a wide range of abilities. All students study our core subjects of English, Maths and Science as well as CCF BTEC.  Students also have weekly lessons in SMSC and Critical Thinking, which includes a programme of religious education and philosophy.

For First Study in Upper Fourth from Autumn 2024

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Optional extra-curricular qualifications
GCSE History GCSE Geography GCSE Computing GCSE Psychology
GCSE Spanish GCSE Art GCSE Drama GCSE Statistics
GCSE Music GCSE PE GCSE Food & Nutrition LAMDA
GCSE Design Technology Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Duke of Edinburgh Silver
ILM Level 2
Emergency First Aid at Work

For existing GCSE cohorts

Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Optional extra-curricular qualifications
GCSE History GCSE Geography GCSE Computing GCSE Psychology
GCSE PE GCSE Drama GCSE Spanish GCSE Statistics
GCSE Food & Nutrition GCSE DT GCSE Art LAMDA
GCSE Music Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Duke of Edinburgh Silver
ILM Level 2
Emergency First Aid at Work


Whole School Open Day

Saturday 8th March 2025

10am – 1pm