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School Inspections

September 2021

In September 2021, Gad’s Hill School was inspected by the Independent School Inspectorate.

This was a Regulatory Compliance Inspection.

This was a three-day inspection scrutinising our adherence to independent school regulatory standards governing: the quality of education provided; the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils; their welfare, health and safety; the suitability of staff and proprietors; the school premises; provision of information; the manner in which complaints are handled, and; the quality of leadership in and management of the school. To inform their decisions, the visiting team observed lessons, conducted formal interviews with pupils and examined samples of their work. They held discussions with members of staff and with the Chair of Governors, observed a sample of extra-curricular activities and attended assemblies. Inspectors visited the Nursery, as well as our Inclusion department. The responses of parents, staff and pupils in the pre-inspection questionnaires were analysed and the inspectors examined curriculum and other documentation.

This type of inspection does not provide any value judgements of the quality of the school’s education, except in so far as it meets regulatory thresholds; inspectors could only judge us to be either compliant or non-compliant in each of the areas above. We are very pleased to say that the ISI have indeed found that we meet all the standards, including the requirements of the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. A copy of the inspection report is available below.

Inspectors were very grateful to the significant number of parents who took the time to complete the questionnaire.

October 2017

In October 2017, Gad’s Hill School was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate

The inspectors looked at the educational quality and compliance and ranked Gad’s Hill a ‘good’ school, with all the below regulatory requirements met:

  • Quality of education provided
  • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
  • Welfare, health and safety of pupils
  • Suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors
  • Premises of and accommodation at schools
  • Provision of information
  • Manner in which complaints are handle
  • Quality of leadership in and management of schools

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is good

  • Pupils are confident, articulate communicators
  • Pupils make good progress supported by the school’s effective use of tracking systems
  • Pupils gain good qualifications through the good work of the school and are equipped for their further education
  • Teachers show a good level of subject knowledge
  • Pupils have successfully developed their skills in wider areas of the curriculum
  • Pupils show an ability to think widely and be creative

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is good

  • Behaviour in the playground and around school is supportive and sensible with excellent interaction between pupils of different ages
  • Pupils become very involved in their own learning and develop a greater understanding of themselves, helped by the school’s guidance
  • Pupils are very aware of the needs of others beyond the school gate
  • Pupils display a good level of respect for each other’s point of view and belief
  • Pupils know how to stay safe and look after themselves

Gad’s Hill is a ’good’ school because…

  • It has good teachers who stretch and challenge
  • There is a wide range of opportunities for a small school
  • There is a positive atmosphere in lessons
  • Staff are very caring and know the children well
  • Pupils show much enthusiasm for helping others
  • Behaviour is good and there is a strong sense of moral values
  • There is a strong school ethos that is seen throughout the daily routines of the school
  • Pupils get on with each other

The registration authority for independent schools is the Department for Education (DfE), which directs inspection according to a specified frequency at any time.

The Independent School’s Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Secretary of State for the purpose of inspecting schools which are, or whose heads are, in membership of the associations which form the Independent Schools Council (ISC) and reporting on the extent to which they meet the Independent Schools Standards (‘the standards’) in the Schedule to the Education (Independent School Standards) Regulations 2014.