
We are proud at Gad’s Hill School to offer a number of scholarships to Upper School students. We welcome applications for a variety of subjects as set out below.

Academic Scholarships

The Charles Dickens 11+ Scholarship Award Examinations

The school annually offers a number of academic scholarships, which will see fees reduced by up to 100%, for which our students in Lower Shell and for external pupils in Year 6 can be assessed. The examinations are similar to the Kent and Medway 11+ tests and students are tested in English and maths. Students who show a high academic ability may subsequently be offered a place in our Upper Shell year group (Year 7) here at Gad’s Hill with an accompanying scholarship which will see fees reduced for the duration of that child’s secondary education here (subject to the usual conditions attached to any scholarship award). To qualify for the scholarship, students are required to attend Gad’s Hill School for the assessment which is held in September the year before admission.

Other Academic Scholarships (Lower Fourth – Upper Fourth)

Parents of pupils or prospective pupils in other year groups (L4th – U4th) may apply for an academic scholarship for their child. In order to be considered for a scholarship, it will be necessary to show skill and achievement well in excess of a typical pupil of similar age. Academic scholars will achieve exceptional academic grades and applications should be supported by documentation from tutors, class teachers, school reports etc. On receipt of the application the school will ask relevant members of our staff their professional opinion in respect of the pupils’ ability. If the school is satisfied that the pupil is of an exceptional ability and that other entrance criteria are met then it may make an award of between 10–40% fee assistance towards school fees, subject to the usual conditions attached to scholarship awards.

Non-Academic Scholarships

In addition to academic scholarships, the school also offers a number of non-academic awards, for children (in year groups Upper Shell – U4th) who show exceptional talent in sport, drama, art and music. The table below is intended to be an indicative guide to the minimum requirements for consideration for a non-academic scholarship at Gad’s Hill School. An application for such an award would need to be supported by accompanying evidence and relevant members of our school staff would be asked to help assess the child’s suitability. These awards are in high demand and the School is only able to offer a certain number of scholarships. Meeting all the criteria below, therefore, does not automatically entitle an applicant to a scholarship, but means that the application will be considered. The School will then make a final decision, with the scope to make an award of between 10-40% fee assistance towards school fees, subject to the conditions set out in our Fee Assistance Policy.

Indicative Non-academic fee assistance which may be available Sport Art Drama Music

Competing at District level

Regional ISA top 3.

Strong portfolio submitted containing at least 50 pieces of work using a variety of media.

Demonstrates talent and passion for art

Performed leading roles in school productions.

Music Exam grades two levels higher than expected for peers.

Outstanding ability (via audition) on an instrument or voice.

Strong performance at the Spring Music Festival (existing pupils).


Competing at County level

National ISA top 3.

Strong portfolio submitted containing at least 50 pieces of work using a variety of media.

Local / County exhibitions or competitions.

Performs with amateur theatre school.

Achieved good place at local/ district competitions.

Performs regularly in public with a band or orchestra.

Participation at all the major Gad’s Hill musical events (existing pupils).

30% Competing at Regional Open level.

Strong portfolio submitted containing at least 50 pieces of work using a variety of media.

Regional exhibitions or competitions.

Performs with a local theatre.

Performs with regional bands or orchestras and has participated in a number of concerts or competitions.

Plays a leading role in promoting the School at high-profile School occasions (existing pupils).

40% Competing at National Open level.

Strong portfolio submitted containing at least 50 pieces of work using a variety of media.

National exhibitions or competitions.

Performs with National theatre or West End professional performance. Performs as part of nationally renowned orchestra.